

20 million children are currently living in the streets in India. Only one out of every three girls will live to see her 15th birthday. Over 59 million children in India have no access to school. For a child left alone in India there is no hope, no one to help. Our mission is to help these neglected, abandoned and forgotten children. We are able to give them hope. We are able to give them a future. We are able to help. 



"When we are on the streets, roaming here and there, without goal eating mud like this situation you given us life."

— Annonymous Streams Hope Home Child



A little bit goes a long way.

The need is overwhelming but the solution is simple. These children just need basic essentials to survive. They need food. They need clothing. They need shelter. By providing these basic essentials that every child should have, we are also helping them get their childhood back. They are free to play and receive and education. They are shown love and kindness. They are able to have hope for the future. They are witness to Jesus' love for them. 

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
— James 1:27 NIV