COVID Updates in India

The COVID-19 crisis has crippled our ministry in India.  Recently we received word that the pastors and their families that we help support are all starving.  The lockdown has been devastating as the people cannot work and they cannot eat.  The pictures of these tribal people show the horrible pain on their faces.  Our ministry has been sharing food with some of these people and it is heartbreaking to hear of the hardship they are enduring. They are not allowed to have church services nor are they allowed to leave their houses except for food.

Our ministry took food out to the tribal areas and the need is overwhelming.  They are sharing the love of Jesus and the message of hope. 

Please pray for the miraculous provisions that are needed right now.  

If you are able to help, it would be a tremendous blessing.  Thank you.

I cannot express how grateful I am for your help. 


Deborah Cofer

Founder and President, Streams in the Desert International, Inc.

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Deborah Cofer